En Gedi: Finding rest in the wilderness!

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Welcome to En Gedi!



Hope you are enjoying the new site design.  We have attempted to give you and us more flexibility and ease of finding articles and topics.  We are always trying to inhance the site to make it more user joyuful…not like a user friendly church by the way.  It is our desire to offer you opportunities to partner with us in this ministry and provide products from time to time that may be an asset to you in your writing, publishing, research, and ultimate quest to serve the Lord with gladness!

Hello Everyone, I want to welcome you to the En Gedi site.  A place of rest, restoration, equipping, and also a stronghold for God’s mighty people.  This is a blog site that was designed for parents, spiritual warriors and anyone wanting to take their relationship with Christ deeper as a go to for resources, websites, recommended books, encouragement in our daily lives and walk, or to just rest for a moment to concentrate on God’s vastness. 


The two pictures you see above are actual photos taken at En Gedi (Engedi) in the mountain regions of Israel.  En Gedi was a place that David used high in the mountains to rest, hide from his enemy, and hear from God.  This place is surrounded by The Wilderness of Judah to the west, the Dead Sea to the east and barren rocky terrain and then you come upon this seemingly “oasis” where waterfalls of fresh water flow and greenery abounds with caves carved out in the side of the mountain.  What a place God had made just for David in his time of need.  So, I called this site Engedi as we men need a place to rest, sometimes hide from our enemies, and above all to hear from God.

Have you ever just sat down and gazed off into a sunrise or sunset or listened to the sound of a mighty waterfall?  Take your thoughts from daily life and place them on the God that created the heavens and the earth and praise Him for it.  Here on this blog a number of topics are covered, recommendations made, tips for daily living, messages from a man, dad of 10 kids, and husband’s heart, etc.  This site is designed so you can pour yourselves into topics of theological subjects, gather encouragement from life experiences, resources to do your own research, and so on. 

  I encourage each person that has stumbled upon this site to read, go to the other links and read, and pass this site along.  You can simply refer it to other as www.DadsDevoted.com and it will bring them right back here.  I encourage each one of you to seek out what they really believe in their heart about God and pass that on to your children.  I encourage each husband and/or wife to dig into the word of God and challenge your spouse to do the same….share your findings, questions, and thoughts with them.  Allow your spouse the opportunity to listen to something from your heart  that is more than football, cars, and other secular events…these are important areas of life, but our spouses would like to see a deeper side of us on occassion.  Grow deeper together glorifying God and furthering His kingdom.  For the person that may not have kids or be married yet you can certainly challenge your walk with Christ and feed that desire to know God deeper.  If this blog can do nothing else, I would hope it at least prompts us all to a facination with God, to grow deeper in our walk with Him, and to discover what life really is all about!  

UPDATE:  My first book “A Pilgrimage through the Wilderness” will be out soon.  Contact me for updates on the books progress.  The goal would be to have it available for purchase early 2010!

We have readers from all over the world.  Here is where some of the most recent readers are from:  Novaya, Khanty-Mansiy, Russian Federation/ Denton Cheshire, UK/ Gurgaon, Haryana India/ Dublin, Ireland/ Beijing, China/ Leiden, Netherlands/ Victoria, British Columbia, Canada/ Toronto, Ontario Canada/ Riyahl, Ar Riyah Saudi Arabia/ Brazil/ Romania/ Australia/ Singapore/ Manila, Phillipines/ Johannesburg, Gauteny South Africa & Parow, Western Cape South Africa/ Sesimbra, Setubal Portugal/ Dallas-Katy-Frisco-McKinney-Houston-Irving-Prosper, Texas/ States of Florida, Virginia, California, Massachusets, Florida, Iowa, Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Illinois.  Lots of other cities, countries, and states not mentioned, but the readership is International.  Thanks and keep coming back.  We hope you are blessed and God touches your heart in a mighty way. 

imagesjc1.jpg  Enjoy the site and I hope you will stay a while, make comments if you wish and by all means start your own blog.  Writing is great therapy!

 Scott Bailey

**I have found En Gedi or Engedi spelled both ways in the Bible depending on what translation.  Some maps show it both ways as well.  Just to let you know that it is still the same place no matter the spelling of the place.

***If you would like a woman’s perspective please refer them to http://www.livingstones4moms.com/.  My wife is a terrific writer and listener to what God conveys through His holy word.

****To keep this blogsite up and running it cost not only in time, but money.  If you have been blessed by this blogsite, please, consider making a contribution to: Livingstones Ministry, C/O Dana Bailey, PO Box 213, Prosper, Texas  75078.  Only make a contribution if you are a true believer in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior…also, only make a contribution as the Holy Spirit prompts you to do so.  Otherwise, enjoy the blog topics, articles and resources and may the Lord bless your life for His glory and honor.  Furthermore, continue to comment and contribute to the blog in other ways.  Thanks!

40 Responses to “Welcome to En Gedi!”

  1. Scott,
    Thank you for taking this subject on. I applaud you, as it is desperately needed. If you are in the DFW area, I would enjoy meeting you sometime. My wife and I have a gender-specific summer camp ministry called By His Design Ministries. Through BHDM, we have Girls Getaway (www.byhisdesign.typepad.com/girls_getaway) for girls completing 1st – 6th grade, and Warrior Week (www.byhisdesign.typepad.com/warrior_week) for boys completing 2nd – 6th grade.

    May the Lord bless you in your efforts here and bless others through you.

    In Him,

  2. qbaileys said

    I appreciate your kind words. This is something that God has placed on my heart for a long time. In my week I have come across so many dads, husbands, and single men that are discouraged, depressed, and ready to give up. I hope many of them will find this site and be encouraged to keep fighting on.
    My wife has a site for moms that is very good called http://www.LivingStones4Moms.com which is a resource of encouragement for moms in their daily walk with Christ.
    I do plan to check out your site and hopefully we can visit in person in the near future. God bless you and your ministry….keep pressing on in Him.
    Pressing on,

  3. Robyn said

    Hi Scott,
    Im Dana’s friend in Georgia. She told me about your blog, well you are doing a great job. God has something great in store for you and Dana and he will always keep you and provide. And your children are so gorgeous…Blessings!!!

  4. qbaileys said

    Thanks Robyn,

    We can sense in a huge way God’s moving in our lives. Dana and I want nothing more than to please Him and be a servant for the furtherment of His kingdom. We do not take credit for anything written as being our own really…we put on paper what the Lord has placed on our mind and heart. All that being said, we still want to thank you for reading and want you to be greatly encouraged that God has a tremendous plan for you and your family. The God that has lead you into your current place will be the same God that leads you from that place.

    Pressing on in Him,

  5. Tom Spence said

    I came across your blog today because of your posting on A. J. Conyers’s book “The Listening Heart”. I’m the publisher of that book; many thanks for the posting.

    I thought you might be interested in three books we have published on fatherhood/manhood: “Faith of the Fatherless: The Psychology of Atheism” by Paul Vitz, “The Compleat Gentleman” by Brad Miner, and “To Be a Father” by Stephen Gabriel. You’ll find information on them at http://www.spencepublishing.com. I’d be happy to send you review copies if you’re interested.

    Keep up the good work with your blog.

    Tom Spence

  6. qbaileys said

    Tom, many thanks for visiting my blog site. I would be more than happy to accept the review copies of the books. That would help tremendously in my encouragement to dads, husbands, and men in general and the credit for these books would certainly be included in each posting. I will go on your site and make contact with you.
    These sound like terrific topics that are very much in the middle of what I am researching on. My main goal in encouraging dads with their families, but at the same time trying to understand what is going on with those that do not have fathers, single moms and dads raising their kids alone, etc. not to mention help men develope a strong theological foundation for their belief that will help them address issues within their families on a firm footing spiritually.

    Again, your comments are appreciated and I look forward to visiting your site and possibly reading the review of the new books.

    Pressing on in Him,

  7. Nick said

    Thanks for posting the link to The Daily Spurgeon, which I am blessed to publish 6 days a week. (Spurgeon would have approved.) May God bless you as you live and blog for Him!

  8. qbaileys said

    Isn’t it amazing how someone like Spurgeon although he died well over 100 years ago, his words still permiate our daily lives even today.
    I have always been a great fan of Spurgeons ministrym thoughts, and beliefs…they are one with God’s word. Thanks.

    Pressing on in Him,

  9. gtxqw said


  10. Brin said

    Hello, nice site 🙂

  11. Your site is great. I am a history buff and always love reading from various perspectives.

  12. Scott,

    Thanks for allowing my writing on your blog site. You have done such a professional job and it appears that the “Truth” is written all over it. I love to write and want to reach as many people in the world as possible for the cause of Christ. Sometimes I fit into a particular mole because of my illness, but many are reading and responding and it is because people like you care.

    God bles and God’s Best for you and your wife,

    Dave Stallings
    “What Dave Thinks”

  13. Hope your Holiday Season is going well. We have our 4 month old grandson here from Texas so we are full of things to do. I was wondering if you know of a way that I can have the “comments” that people make on my blogs show up under the blogs like I have seen on your blog. I use “blogspot” so I don’t know if that makes a difference. Hope you know what I am saying. Not sure I know.

    God’s Best,

    Dave Stallings

  14. blessed brother Scott
    i came to know about u from ur wife’s site.
    i love psalm 119 very much.i byhearted all the 176 verses. i understand that u have written a series about psalm 119.i will be greatful if u could pls send me the same for my studies.
    my happy new year wishes and prayers for u and ur family and ur missions
    requesting ur prayer help for me and my family too.
    lovingly tharian m kurian

  15. neogotchi said

    hello! i luv your site, and I’m glad to meet another Christian blogger! stop by mine @ http://scripture4u.wordpress.com
    Keep in the Faith!!

  16. qbaileys said


    Thanks for the comment. I visited your site and it is encouraging. We need thousands more youth like you with that kind of devotion to Christ in this world. This is where the differences are made.

    Keep the faith!

    Pressing on in Him,

  17. qbaileys said


    Keep visiting and commenting as the Lord leads. I pray the Lord keeps you safe in the country you are in. May He encourage your faith and bless you and your family.

    Keep the faith!

    Pressing on in Him,

  18. Josh said

    Great post. You may be interested in this too: http://www.americansforisrael.com/

  19. Matthew said


    Thanks for creating such a wonderful site for “us men” to be a part of. I look forward to delving deeper into it and finding a place of rest.

    I am a Christian dad of one son, age 6 (next month) who lives with his mom who is pretty anti-Christian (clarify this as my sons mother). I ask for you and your readers to pray for me (Matthew) and my son (“Bug”) as I try to model CHRIST for him and do my best to lead him into knowledge of and a relationship with our LORD and SAVIOUR.

    I also would like to know if you or any of your readers are familiar with a series called “Raising a Modern-Day Knight” by Robert Lewis. What are your thoughts?

    I invite responses to my personal email through my blog at mattythestranger.wordpress.com/contact.

    Scott, thanks again for this site and I am glad to meet you.


  20. Miss Aliza said

    Greetings in Jesus name,
    “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing from the Word of God”(Romans, 10:17)
    It is really privileged for me to write to your ministry and I pray may Lord bless you abundantly. I am Miss Aliza from Pakistan . Five years before I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and I trust in Him as my rock and try to walk in Him, as the Word of God says don’t be lazy in struggle.
    As I was visiting your site I found that you are doing the work of translation into native languages. I am able to translate the good stuff of you into my native language Punjabi and national language Urdu. There are two purposes to request you the first one are to know the Word of God more deeply and second one to be supportive my family and to run. our Ministry. We will also teach your stuff in our working areas with our people .
    My suggestion for you is to create your material in my language of Urdu and Punjabi also. It will bring lots of blessings of the Word of God for the Pakistani and Indian Urdu and Punjabi speaking people. For that purpose I as a translator will bring your material into Urdu languages and into Punjabi language as well. Although it will take your low expenses as well, as fund for the Word of God to reach out to the deserving people. As a translator I will take the expenses that will be spending just for the Word. I will be looking for your kind words on this my humble request as soon as possible.
    “There is nothing more precious than to read and listen the Word of God into your own language.”
    I hope you will consider me regarding this request.
    In Jesus,
    Miss Aliza

  21. Scott…
    Just was blog skipping this morning and came across your site. I pray that En Gedi will bless many that come across it! I have seven children (Five boys, two girls)and what a adventure it is!

  22. Scott said

    Jay, I am glad you found this site. Please, stay as long as you like and pass it on to many others. You will find alot of resources here and I hope it can be of use to you for your spiritual growth. My wife and I have 6 boys and 4 girls, so I really understand the adventure you speak of. The greatest thing that I as a father and husband can leave my family is a legacy of solid biblical truth lived out by me.

    On this site we will encourage as much as possible and touch on topics that help us to grow, also, we will go toe to toe with heresy and false religion sometimes if we think it is a threat to to the masses and our families. I wish I could say that all I write or share is positive upbeat messages, but in this real world we live in and based on the biblical truth from Genesis to Revelation it is not always possible to be upbeat and positive when starring down the rifle barrel of the athiest, agnostics or “emergent” churches gun. You will not find the truth watered down here…this is not said arrogantly, but just truthfully. I love people and pray that all would come to Christ, but that will not happen as scripture tells us.

    Jay, I wish you all the best in raising your many children….do not let anyone else other than God have access to the mind and heart of your family especially the kids….fight that with all the strength God gives you, always. Stay in God’s word and bless you.

    Pressing on in Christ,

  23. M said


    I do not intend for you to approve this comment. I would email you directly but, I can’t find any contact info for you. My intention is not for this to be for “public consumption”.

    Scott, I originally subscribed to your site because I have been trying to find some support as a Dad who’s trying to follow Christ and be a good role model for my son. I was excited to find your site called “a God-given stronghold for dads”. I had some trouble with some of your beliefs at the outset, which we have discussed some in the comments, but I was excited to see what God could teach me.

    Now, however, it seems that, although you told me you didn’t want this to be a “one-topic blog”, that every article you post is just to slam the EC, to call us heretical, and to insult. Scott, I can’t keep reading this stuff. It’s not good. It’s not edifying to anyone, except perhaps, yourself.

    So, I am taking this blog out of my Google Reader. I am sure you will say to yourself, well, some people just can’t handle the truth. I guess I prefer to have God convict me of wrong doing, not you.

  24. Scott said


    I changed your information as to make you more anonymous since you really did not want that made known, but I could not find a way to contact you without approving this. I do not mind the comments you made…I accept the persecution as Christ did. Christ Himself was subject to the same kind of comments and misunderstanding, so it really does not bother me. The truth of God’s word is not easy to swallow and I understand that.

    The reason for spending several weeks on the Emergent Church is because I mentor far too many guys right now that have been absolutely damaged spiritaully by this movement or belief system. It is literally screwing up their lives in so many ways…their marriages are diastereous, jobs in turmoil, kids are screwed up, and so on….it all has stemmed back to when they started taking on this belief system the EC has. M, I am not the one to convict you, nor am I trying to…I am sinner saved by grace and all I can share with you is what the heavenly Father has shown me in His word and through other great preachers and theologians of the past and present. What you are reading comes from God’s word and you can go there and read it for yourself….I am not misquoting in here. God’s word will cut like a two edged sword. Mostly, I people in the emergent movement cannot handle this and will argue. This movement is so similiar to the 1960’s hippy movement it is amazing and I will not set back in a chair and be silent about another movement that will screw society up even though I think it already has. We are headed towards a one world religion….do you know what that means?

    I am not asking you back to read anything else, that is fine. What I do plead with you to do is read God’s word entirely! DO NOT do as many of these emergent pastors have stated to do and take one verse by itself and let it stand on its own especially if the context of that verse is with 10 other verses including in other chapters and even other books…not to take scripture that way will lead you to a path of distruction. Many non-beleivers have used scripture that way in order to bolster their beliefs. A Systematic theological way of studying scripture must be used in order to understand it….God will honor your study that way and reveal to you what He means in that. This will get you in deep trouble theologically and spiritually if you do the other way. I am not willing to risk or dump the truth of God’s word for a movement that seems so anti-Christ it is unnerving….that may be a strong term, but in reality that is what it is if it is not basing its beliefs on the whole truth of the bible and is basing its beliefs on small parts of it so that it can justify the way it ministers. The large numbers going to these churches is not a good sign that God is blessing…it is a good sign that people who do not know God’s word will believe anything if it fits their life style. The ends do not necessarily justify the means to getting there.

    I fill for you, M, I really do. I once was heading into this same movement full bore….I know what it will do to your marriage, family, job, friendships and most importantly your relatinoship with Christ…none it is good or glorifying to Christ. I am speaking from experience here, God’s wisdom and knowledge because I asked Him for it, and truth because everything I read in scripture is truth. If it could be the way the emerging church thinks, I would be all over it, but in fact it cannot…it does not mirror the image of God in larger portion. Christ has warned us over 2000 years ago that this was coming, but many would not see it once it arrived and they have not.

    I pray the best for you and your son, I realy do…leave a strong legacy for him that comes from God’s word not the emergent church whether you stay in that movement or not. Find the doctrine that is true and you can hold onto. I would say that within 10 years there will be a different movement taking people down a different path from the wrongs they have foudn in this one. Movements come and go, but the doctrines I believe in and stress so strongly in this blog have survived the test of time for over 2000 years and I believe they will survive the remaining time we have here on this earth as we know it now.

    In the coming weeks I will move on to another topic, but this one was so strong I had to take time out for a while and expose the heresy, falseness, and make sure that anyone reading here understands the difference. Whether they accept or not is not up to me. There will be sheep and there will be goats….you must fully understand which catagory you will be in. The is a way that seems right to men, but will lead to distruction. I prefer to err on God’s way and take my lumps from there. Thanks for the opportunity to share with you, M.

    Pressing on in Christ,

  25. Scott said


    I also want to extend this comment to the fact that calling EC, heretical is just the way it lines with scripture as we see it…not my word solely. Also, nothing is meant as an insult, just putting truth up against what is seen as non-truth. Line it all up with scripture and if it works great, but if it doesn’t then look out and rethink what you are doing.

    Finally, the latest post have been in a series of post for just this purpose as it has drawn out a great deal of interest in people of all walks.

    As I have told you before, M, if you keep seeking the truth you are going to find it and will most likely go through a tremendous amount of denial of what is said here before you do. Hang in there brother.

    Pressing on in Christ,

  26. john evak said

    great web site i liked the video of cameron beuttel teaching and corrections is there any way to see or hear this young man teaching .what is his bible background thanks good work

  27. Scott said

    I am not sure about Cameron’s bible background, but I thought he did a terrific job on this video. I am researching and searching daily for good God given material to share as I wait on the Lord for words to write on as well. Thanks for spending time on the site and come anytime you wish.

    Pressing on in Christ,

  28. Majida Saleem said

    Greetings and Blessings in Jesus name,

    It is really privileged for me to write to your ministry and I pray may Lord bless you abundantly. I am Majida Saleem from Pakistan. Five years before I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior and I trust in Him as my rock and try to walk in Him, as the Word of God says don’t be lazy in struggle.

    In Jesus,
    Majida Saleem

    Thank you, Majida, I appreciate the kind words. Unfortunately I do not need anyone to translate for me. You are welcome to do this on you own time and expense, but we do not have the resources yet to take of this need. Prayerfully in the future. God bless you and your family.


  29. Evanglist Asif Mubrak said

    Dear Brothers and Sisters
    Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
    I have been going through the studies at your web site, and I am deeply inspired with all of the teachings and studies thereon. This is such a wonderful studies and sermons you have arranged for all the nations, in the long run of your service for the nations of the all the world.
    I am from Islamic Republic of Pakistan where it is difficult to have Radio and TV channel for preaching purposes. They would not allow us to do that here; the Satan has real strong hold over everything. I often say that we are living in the land of the enemy.

    Brother, we humbly request you to expand your outreach your program in Urdu and Punjabi language. Urdu is the language spoken and understood by more than one sixth of the total population of the world. Urdu is spoken in Pakistan, India, Nepal, Afghanistan and also in Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran and others.

    I would ask you to pray and share it among the brethrens at your ministry. I am a professional translator. I would offer my services for being translator, recorder and distribution/sales. I pray that your consideration will have His mark over your decision.

    May God bless you abundantly! May His perfect will be done!
    Grace and Peace be with you, all brethrens.
    Yours brother in Christ,
    Evanglist Asif Mubrak

  30. HOBERT BEVIS said




  31. Scott said

    Bro Asif,

    You are more than welcome to take a message and translate it and distribute in your country for the glory of God. I have no means to have my messages translated at this time. Your offer is great, but in reality you can take them one at a time and preach the gospel to your countrymen.

    God bless your evangelistic efforts in Christ Holy name.


  32. Bendz said


    Nice photos.
    Details are good.

    Enjoyable post.


  33. Finally! The one thing I have been looking for. It feels like we are all isolated from each other as people, especially as men of God. I really needed to find a site like this one. Thanks for letting the Lord use you in this kind of ministry

  34. Weapons: Swords said

    Always good to read.

    Can I ask though – how did you get this picked up and into google news? THEY JUST PICKED IT U.

    Very impressive, is it something that is just up to Google or you actively created? GOOGLE

    Obviously this is a popular blog with great data so well done on your seo success..

  35. rshalomw said

    Just found your web site today. It is excellent and I realy apprecicate the links and resources you have. May the Lord richly bless and lead you in all your work for Him.
    I just started a blog in May of this year.
    If you get a chance, let me know what you think of mine.

    Shalom in Jesus

  36. Scott said

    Shalom my friend,

    Great to have you come to the site. I have gone to yours and will read some of your articles. I think it is great the testimony you have coming from the different backgrounds. I wish your father would have taught you Hebrew though, that would have been great.

    In Christ,

  37. Please change the links on your website for David Stallings and my blog as they have been changed. The website address is http://www.nowwhut.org and the blog page is http://www.nowwhutaz.blogspot.com. Thank you for placing my sites on your site but the addresses need to be updated.

    Thanks and God Bless,

    Dave Stallings

  38. en gedi said

    hi Im En Gedi Torayno Aguiapo from philippines i read you website. And i find out whats the real meaning of my name thank you.

  39. A most interesting blog! Also like knowing of your wife’s work, and will send her this same info. For a look at the metaphor that all of nature is for the omniPresence, please visit this website for my newly published book of poems celebrating that metaphor. It is change in perception that will bring peace; perceiving Love in all things is a beginning. I hope you will look into it! Thanks for your blog, and bless you in your endeavors.

  40. Farmville said

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